Our Biblical View on Giving:
God’s Word from the beginning commanded His children to give the first fruits of themselves to the service of God and His purpose and to do so with a cheerful heart. 1 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” We are also commanded to give to our storehouse (Malachi 3:10) which is to say that we are to give to that place where we call our house of worship to the Lord.
How to Give:
If God is calling you to give monetary, we would prayerfully ask that you either tithe in our house of worship on Sundays at 11 am or if you cannot make it in and are watching online, we would encourage you to send your tithing to Quincy Baptist Church, PO Box 425, Quincy, WA 98848.
How are the offerings used?
The general tithing helps pay the bills, so we can continue to share the gospel in our building and online, in addition to supporting local and national missions programs.
Local Ministries:
Coulee Baptist Association
National Missions Programs:
Southern Baptist Disaster Relief
Missionaries in the Field:
Colin and Teena Ovenell, along with their children Ethan, Eliana, and Elias, serve as church-planting missionaries in Benin, Africa. Along with church planting, the Ovenell Ministry also includes serving in a medical clinic and a Bible Institute and translating the scriptures.