
If you have landed on this page, we assume you are wanting to learn more about our church. We are glad that you are reaching out to find a place to worship God and study His word! Visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating or awkward, so we would like to share about ourselves. 

 This section is designed to answer big questions you may have about attending our church. Please feel free to email quincybaptist@gmail.com or fill out the form on the contact page of our website if you have any further questions.

 At Quincy Baptist, our heart's desire is to bring glory to God through worship in spirit and in truth. We worship God through congregational singing, prayer, preaching, scriptural reading, and giving. 

About Quincy Baptist

At Quincy Baptist, we connect in three ways:

-To God through our Sunday morning worship services.

-To each other through Sunday School and Small Groups.

-To the world through service to Ministry Teams and Missions.

We invite you to take the first step in connecting with us by joining our 11:00 am Sunday Worship service. You may want to connect with others by joining our Sunday School sessions at 10:00 am for both adults and children.

What to Expect:

Q: What is the music like?
A: We sing mostly hymns with occasional newer expressions of faith through contemporary worship music.

Q: What is the preaching like?
A: Our Pastor is committed to preaching God's Word without compromise, committed to teaching Biblical truth and what it means to be a Child of God.

Q: How do people dress?
A: Where whatever makes you comfortable. Some people wear dress clothes, while others wear jeans and a T-shirt. There is no dress code, come as you are!

Q: Is there something for my kids?
A: We only have a few children at this time that attend Sunday School, but we have a curriculum and Sunday School teachers on standby ready to welcome your children. 





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